
We believe it’s time to start a more open conversation about death, dying and funerals.

In this blog, we share practical advice and ideas to help you if you are arranging a funeral or experiencing bereavement; as well as fascinating stories, interviews and opinions from the frontlines of death and dying.

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Five benefits of being a B Corporation Certified funeral directors


We're always happy to talk to the media about funerals, death and dying. Here's why we think those honest conversations are so crucial.


Music plays in an important part in almost every funeral. We asked the Poppy’s team for their top tips in choosing music for a funeral — as well as their own music choices.


In October 2023, Tooting held its second festival of the dead. In this blog, our founder Poppy Mardall shares five things she loved about taking part.


Clare Montagu, Poppy’s CEO, explains why we offer free talks, training and education sessions to people working in health care or end-of-life care, community groups and carers, and the lasting impact these conversations can have.


The response to the #DeadGoodWords campaign so far has been amazing. Here are five things we've learnt.